Coverage, 2024

‘Coverage’ is a messy catalog of boxes, books, notes, seed bombs, advice from friends, dreams… that form a narrative about organizing/storing/archiving/spreading/disappearing. It was presented as an exhibition and printed publication, with an extensive public programme of readings, performances and presentations. The title was borrowed from a Lynn Hejinian poem.

Discontinuity in my experience
to me means radical coverage. With garrulous scanning
… as the cobweb that humiliates the space that waves
… constantly distracted, the vulnerability
not of the fragile but of the fake…

Catalog issue 24 ‘Coverage’ at Tallinn City Gallery (April–June 2024)
curated by Siim Preiman.

Public programme
→ 'An evening of tales', organized in collaboration with Daylight Collective, featuring readings by writers, artists and artworkers Sandra Kosorotova, Erin Honeycutt, Vaim Sarv, Sanna Kartau, Lieven Lahaye, Siim Preiman
→ Tallinn launch of Catalog issue 25, 'How to get -> there' with Lieven Lahaye, Noah Emanuel Morrison and Carlo Canún
→ Launch of 'Guess Language' [bootleg] with Andrew J. Beltran

Installation photos by Anu Vahtra