How to get –> there, 2024
How to get –> there, 2024
Coverage, 2024
Ending Up, 2022
A cache is rarely as put together as you’d like it to be. As the process of ‘caching’, gathering stuff into a vessel, gets interrupted, disrupted or co-opted, stuff just ‘ends up’: leftovers, hangers-on, silverfish. Or you were never in control of this process in the first place, it was fixed from the start.Hard Sun, 2022
Impressed, 2022
Stylishly fold your latest into your back pocket, 2022
“For this to unfold, it depends in some part on a number of sympathetic factors that are fulfilled: the publishers are gainfully employed at an institution, have mailroom privileges and are able to depend on a network of writers/ designers/ artists who can write a letter. This dependency has something to do with mutualism? (Soft) parasitism? Or, as Nils Norman, co-initiator of the artist’s group ‘Parasite’ (1997—1998) called it, “to piggyback [...] institutions utilising the host institutions’ infrastructure in exchange for content provision.”A sense of where you are, 2021